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Rev. Sarah Mears

Associate Pastor of Children and Families and Communication
(919) 645-6734 | smears@hbbc.org

Children’s Ministry at HBBC

Jesus Christ came into the world as a child, and the Bible tells us that he “grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52). At Hayes Barton Baptist Church, we strive to help children grow like Jesus grew and learn what it means to be his disciple.

Our role is to partner with parents in the responsibility God gave them in Deuteronomy 6:6-9. Our mission, based on Luke 2:52, is to lead children to a relationship with Jesus by helping them grow in:

  • Wisdom – By providing opportunities for learning and applying God’s Word to their lives.

  • Stature – By providing opportunities for physical activities and fun in the safest environment possible.

  • Favor with God – By providing opportunities to develop meaningful knowledge of God through prayer, study, and thought.

  • Favor with Mankind – By providing opportunities for social interaction with other children their age through senior adults.

At Hayes Barton, children are loved, valued, and nurtured in their faith. We recognize that children are a vital part of our community of faith and are thankful for the energy, joy, and creativity they contribute to our church family. Through a well-rounded ministry of instruction, discipleship, outreach, Bible skills, missions, and worship, children build relationships, have fun, and grow as followers of Jesus.

Our goal is to provide a safe and loving environment for children to learn and grow, as well as a place where families can connect with God and one another. We welcome all children into our church family and commit to be the presence of Christ for them in this place.




Preschool camp is June 17-20 from 9:15 AM-1:00 PM each day
Grade school camp is June 17-21 from 9:00 AM-3:00 PM each day

Registration is open for Summer Arts Camp 2024, and we are excited for another fun week of learning, playing, and exploring the arts together. Preschool camp is open to children ages three through completed pre-k. Grade school camp is open to completed kindergarten through fifth grade.


Sunday Mornings

Sunday School

Sunday School is provided for all ages beginning at 9:45 on Sunday mornings. During Sunday School, children learn stories from the Bible and how they apply to our lives today.

Following Sunday School, Extended Session is offered for infants through kindergartners during the 11:00 PM worship service. Extended Session is a time of play, crafts, and Bible stories provided by volunteers.

Children’s Worship

Children’s Worship is held on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month during the school year. Following the children’s sermon, 1st-5th graders leave for a time of worship and fellowship that is child-oriented.


Children of all ages are part of our worshiping congregation and are welcome in the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings. We encourage you to bring your child to worship and to model for them how to use their hearts, hands, and voices to bring praise and glory to God. Worship bags are provided at each entrance to the Sanctuary for children to use during worship.


Wednesday Nights

Each Wednesday night during the school year, families are invited to join us for a meal in the Fellowship Hall at 5:00 PM. Following dinner, the Family Life Center gym will be open from 5:30-6:10 PM for free play before programs begin.

Children age three through fifth grade participate in choir and missions on Wednesday nights on a rotating basis. During choir, children play instruments, learn musical concepts, and practice praising God through song and movement. Choirs sing in worship throughout the school year. During missions, children learn about serving God by serving others and participate in hands-on mission projects. Two-year-olds have missions on Wednesday nights year-round.

For infants and ones, childcare is provided by certified, paid workers, enabling you to attend Bible studies and other functions that are planned for you.



Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs” (Matthew 19:14). At Hayes Barton Baptist Church, we strive to welcome children like Jesus did and to provide an environment in which every child feels safe, valuable, and loved. We also recognize that children are especially vulnerable, and for that reason our church considers the safety and well being of children and youth to be of highest priority.

In 2003, Hayes Barton implemented a Child and Youth Protection Policy to ensure that we are doing everything in our power to protect both our children and our volunteers. The policy affirms our commitment to provide a safe place for our youth and children and provides specific guidelines for employees and volunteers. In November 2015, the deacons voted to approve changes to the Child and Youth Protection Policy, including a requirement that every volunteer working with children or youth complete an annual safety training and background check. We utilize a secure online resource called Protect My Ministry for our awareness training and background checks. In March 2020, the deacons voted to approve additional changes to the child protection policy, including provisions for overnight camps and retreats.