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At Hayes Barton Baptist Church, we define “missions” as the deliberate and diligent effort of our congregation, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, to extend the gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed to as many people as possible locally and throughout the world, both Christian and non-Christian. We are involved in a wide range of missions in our local community, throughout the United States, and all over the world, striving to serve people in need while expanding our Christian community.



It’s that time again! HBBC is partnering with the Raleigh Baptist Association to collect school supplies for our community. Take advantage of sales and help us collect the following items: Loose leaf paper (wide and college-ruled), highlighters, glue sticks, and bookbags. Drop off these items in the bins located in the Welcome Center through Wednesday, July 31. Thank you for helping make a difference in our community.


“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” — Matthew 7:7–8, NIV

Do you have a heart for helping others? Are you a good listener? Are you looking for a way to share Christ with others? Then you may be a wonderful candidate to become a Stephen Minister. Stephen Ministers are lay members trained to provide one-on-one care to those experiencing a difficult time in life, such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or relocation. Contacts may be in person, by phone, or by video call. Stephen Ministers come from all walks of life, but they all share a passion for bringing Christ’s love and care to people during a time of need. Opportunities to serve are in-person, via phone, or through Zoom if you are interested in learning more contact Bob Hutzler or Kristen Muse (kmuse@hbbc.org).


Consider connecting with the guests in HBBC Welcome House by serving as a day host. 

What is a Day Host?

In the role of Day Host, your main goal is to connect with guests and help them feel safe, welcome, and loved. This radical hospitality is the heart of Welcome House. As friendship is extended to newly arrived international neighbors, we are living out the kind of welcome that Jesus describes in Matthew 25:35. Day hosts check that guests' basic needs are being met and check on the general state of the house. Volunteers should plan to stay to do an activity and spend time with the families. A smile, unhurried presence, listening ear, and gift of friendship are essential to this ministry. If this is something that you want to learn more about, contact Kristen Muse (kmuse@hbbc.org or 919-645-6722).


Parable Media recently created digital media highlighting our music ministry. This type of digital media helps us share our stories.

Parable Media is able to offer such professional services affordably thanks to financial gifts from donors. Donations enable Parable Media to assist churches like ours, Christian nonprofits, and other Christian ministries. 

Visit their website if you want to help Parable Media continue to provide meaningful digital media support for Christian ministries.


Onehope Refuge is a ministry launching near the Triangle area providing long-term transitional housing and trauma-informed care to women who have their children in their care coming out of sex trafficking and/or sexual exploitation. Onehope is asking God to send them those who may fill a board role, staff-team role, and/or volunteer role in the areas of development, grant writing, trauma-informed counseling, administrative assistance, etc.  If you have an interest or passion for this space, click here for more information. There is a form at the bottom of that page for inquiries.


Do you know a homebound church member who would like someone to call or visit with them each month? We are working to identify those members that would like to stay connected with a member from our home visitation team. If you know someone, please contact Linda Giles.




StepUp Ministry is a three-step program that provides pathways for people to overcome barriers and transform lives by providing employment prep assistance, life skills, and long-term connections to support growth personally and professionally. 

  • Employment Academy - teaching job readiness: resume writing, interviewing skills, and how to dress for success, along with connecting participants with employers who provide livable wages.

  • Life Skills Program - a 48-week program where participants are paired with Co-Partners who walk alongside the participant, holding them accountable through the four phases as they learn financial literacy, goal setting, developing communication tools, and more. If they have children, they are required to attend one of our Children’s Programs (broken out by age), where they learn topics similar to what their parents are learning, but at an age-appropriate level. 

After graduation, participants can join the Alumni Group where participants continue to grow personally and professionally with the help of various community partners.


StepUp Ministries is in need of volunteers on Thursday evenings at HBBC to help with the Children’s program. This allows the alumni to stay connected, learn, and grow by participating in the classes offered without the worry of childcare. For more information or to volunteer, contact Alicia Allen, StepUp Academy Program Coordinator (aallen@stepupministry.org).


In Wake and Johnston counties, one in four families lacks affordable housing. Spending too much of one's income on housing can leave little left for other necessities such as groceries, health care, or reliable transportation. Our Advocacy Ambassador program helps give you the knowledge and tools to advocate for affordable housing. 

By becoming an Advocacy Ambassador, you can:

  • Support Habitat Wake's local campaign work on property tax relief, funding for affordable housing, assistance to families impacted by COVID-19, and much more!

  • Learn how to organize your community to act on affordable housing

  • Join meetings and build relationships with local elected officials

  • Connect with other local advocates and get more involved in your community

You can learn more about the program and sign up to receive our advocacy alerts here or email Blair Usedom at blair.usedom@habitatwake.org.


Join a Circle of Friends

While we were able to offer temporary housing to several families, relationships developed as they transitioned into permanent housing. As our friends continue to get accustomed to living in a new land it is always good to have friends to walk alongside you. If you would be willing to join a circle of friends who commit to six months of being a friend with our new neighbors, contact Kristen Muse at kmuse@hbbc.org for more information.

Join the Hospitality Team

Do you like cleaning or setting up homes? Greeting people and offering a warm welcome? If so, Welcome House continues to welcome new friends in the Raleigh area and is in need of volunteers to serve in this area. If you would like to learn more, please contact Kristen Muse at kmuse@hbbc.org.


Meals on Wheels of Wake County is in need of volunteers at their Blair Drive and North Raleigh locations. They are also in need of people to serve a meal at their Friendship Cafes Monday-Friday, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM. If you would like to learn more or volunteer, please contact lesley@wakemow.org.



In May 1999, Hayes Barton Baptist Church was informed that Mr. Hubert F. Ledford had included the church in his will. His desire was to support the missions program of the church (including television). The church established the Hubert and Lola Ledford Missions Endowment Fund. Each year, the Ledford Council considers requests from both inside and outside of the church. Requests for the upcoming year are due by July 31 of the current year. The council also holds some funds in reserve for requests that come up during the church year.

All requests should support the missions program of the church (including television). Missions at Hayes Barton Baptist Church shall be defined as “the deliberate and diligent effort of the congregation, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, to extend the gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed to as many people as possible locally and throughout the world, both Christian and non-Christian.” 

Application forms are available here or may be obtained in the church office. Completed forms must be returned by July 31.


Our Mission Partnerships

There are many opportunities to serve on mission with HBBC. Contact Kristen Muse (kmuse@hbbc.org) for more information about projects and places to get involved.

Some of our Mission Partnerships include:

  • Urban Ministry

  • Partnership and Underwood Elementary Schools

  • Step Up Ministries

  • Habitat for Humanity

  • Baptist Women Crafts Group

  • Meals on Wheels

  • Local Benevolence

  • Prayer Shawl Ministry

  • Raleigh Rescue Ministry

National and International Missions with which we have partnered over the years:

  • Kenya Partnership

  • Operation Christmas Child (Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox Ministry)

  • Together for Hope (Helena, Arkansas)

  • Guatemala

  • Haiti

  • Scotland

  • And Many Others


Past Missions Trips